Sunday, May 22, 2011

The High-Five Gang

Highlight of the week:
It all started with 2 young girls who live down the road from us who love running out when we walk by to say “molo” (hello) to us. This has turned into us exchanging both greetings and high-fives with them. Their mothers laugh whenever they see us, because the girls, probably about three-years old, will literally sprint when they see us coming. Slowly, other kids have begun joining in the ritual. Now whenever we walk by the area where they live, we have numerous children (ages 3-6) running up to give us high-fives and say “molo, buthi” to Matt and “molo, sisi” to Sara. It’s been a tough week (for many reasons), but seeing the kids, who we now call the "high-five gang" line up to receive high-fives definitely cheers us up.

Bizarre item of the week:
As I believe we’ve mentioned before, Sara found a dead worm under her pillow a few weeks ago. This morning, we found yet another dead worm in the basin where we dry dishes. Where are these worms coming from? And where else are they hiding in our house? Seriously, so weird.

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